No problem too big or too small…

Published on

May 13, 2024

No problem too big or too small…
No problem too big or too small…

No problem too big or too small…

Got a problem? Find out how we can help.

It seems we may have a wolf in our ranks here at JMES. Remember The Wolf character from the Tarantino movie Pulp Fiction?  The Wolf was the consummate professional problem solver and the person who was called in to clean up other people’s messes.  Okay - so filling roles is not quite as dark as clearing up a crime scene perhaps, but we like the analogy .

So our own Wolf recently closed two roles that other recruiters had been unable to fill.  In one case, the recruiter had been working on the mandate for well over a year (although being a female-only hire in the investing space, this admittedly came with a degree of difficulty). The other role had been offered and turned down no less than three times leaving a very frustrated client . After being called in, the Wolf got to work and within the space of three weeks had successfully closed both hires leaving two very happy and relieved clients to get on with their very important day jobs.

Flushed with success and ready for more, The Wolf is licking his lips and keen to complete the trifecta. So if you have any roles you or your current recruiter is struggling to deliver on, we would love to hear from you.
